Hi Elma, I'm
trying to reconstruct the Young Cooperators Club page on Facebook since it
mysteriously disappeared several months ago. Elaine Shein and I thought we
should start up another one, and since the interest is there with members, we
did! Here is the new Facebook page if you would like to rejoin. We'd love to
see you there!
I read the message
from Carol MacKay over a second time. Young Cooperators (YC) Club sounded
familiar to me, but who was Carol and how did she get my contact information? YC Club took me back many years…
The Western Producer
My dad had a subscription to the Western Producer, a weekly
farm paper, when I was growing up. Since he was responsible for raising our
colony’s poultry and water fowl, he was interested in most of the farm
news. My sisters and I usually just paged through
each new edition, not really getting much involved in the agricultural articles.
One day however, things changed for my sister Linda and
me. We were both avid readers and also
enjoyed writing, so when we discovered the YC pages, we felt this might be
where we could have our ramblings published! We sent a letter to Sister Anne, the
YC editor and soon received a letter welcoming us to send in our contributions.
Both of us submitted stories, poems and
also a bit of art work and were as excited as young children watching a
butterfly emerge from its chrysalis when we received YC crests for our first
publications and then certificates and 5th contribution stamps. Feedback given to us by fellow YCs, (leaders
or poet laureates) was another aspect that added to our enthusiasm. For months, we anxiously waited for each
weekly paper to see if our contributions had been published.

I teach kindergarten to grade eight at Elm River Colony where
I grew up and still live; therefore, when I started planning my first book, I
knew I wanted it to serve three purposes:
1) Provide my
Hutterite students with a book where they could connect and identify with the
2) Offer
non-Hutterite children a glimpse into my unique culture.
3) Create something
I could use in my teaching to introduce different concepts.

Since our YC days, my sister Linda (Lucky Lynn) has had several books published: Linda’s glücklicher Tag, a picture book written in German and Hutterite Diaries, a collection of short stories about Hutterite life. She’s also written articles for Herald Leader Press, Winnipeg Free Press and Manitoba Cooperator. My books and also Linda’s are available at hbbookcentre.com.
Little did we know when we wrote our introductory letters to
Sister Ann that our contributions to the YC pages would be just the beginning
of our writing careers.
Thanks Carol, fellow YC contributor, for inviting me to join
YC on Facebook. Although I never met any
of the YC members in person, it’s wonderful to connect and discover the writing
journeys different members are taking – journeys that found their beginnings in
the YC pages of The Western Producer.