is for Colony
Hutterite Alphabet Book
About ten years ago as I was browsing
the shelves at Hutterian Brethren Book Centre, near MacGregor, Manitoba, I was approached by Kenny Wollman, my
publisher. "I'd like you to read through these books, study them and
maybe consider writing a Hutterite book similar to these books." He handed
me a stack of alphabet books - M is for Maple Leaf, Z is for Zamboni... I was
familiar with those books as I had them in my school and did indeed begin considering writing a Hutterite
alphabet book. My initial thought was that I would write the verses and
my sister Linda would write the sidebars of additional information as she has
been involved in a great deal more research projects than I was. When
that didn't work out, I set the entire project aside for several years.
Finally, a few years ago, when an
aunt was hospitalized for several weeks and I was spending days with her at the
hospital, I dug out the project and decided to do some serious work on
it. Equipped with John Hofer's book, The History of the Hutterites, a writing
tablet and pens, I started reading, jotting down notes, rereading, scratching
out errors and scribbling down more notes. I was soon on my way and what a long
road it proved to be!
Once the first draft was completed, Kenny and I met to discuss further details and the question came up: who would illustrate the book? Of course, my first thought was Cynthia Stahl, who had illustrated my previous three books! Unfortunately, that was not to be, as she had a new baby and other projects that were keeping her rather busy. The best she could promise, was to begin in a few years time.
Upon tossing around ideas for other Hutterite artists, the name Valerie Waldner from Oak Bluff Colony came up. I hadn't heard of her, nor had I seen any of her artwork. Upon calling her to discuss the project, she invited me to visit her Instagram page where she stored her artwork. I was impressed to say the least. After our initial meeting where we sat down to draw up a plan, we ordered art supplies and Valerie started painting. At that time she was in her final year of high school. She managed to complete the first painting during spring break that year (2019).
After graduation, she devoted a great deal of time to painting and managed to complete all 20 gorgeous paintings by May 2020!
Naturally, the text has to go through numerous rounds of editing from rhyme, meter and flow in the verses to content, grammatical and historical accuracy in the sidebars and the list goes on...
I'm ever so grateful for the individuals who've been involved in the editing process: Butch, Dora, Ian, Tony, my Night Writer friends... Their contributions and assistance were invaluable!
Below is a sneak preview of several of the illustrations and verses:
A is for every dear
Whose wise words
are usually heeded.
As they knit
mittens or slippers,
They contribute loving care and comfort as
needed. |
P is for Puppelen, playthings for Dindlen.
In by-gone days they
made rag dolls
Out of Muetter’s pieces of left-over cloth;
Today dolls are bought from shopping malls.
Q is for quilters
who stitch fancy patterns -
Joining small
pieces, to create pieces of art.
Contrasting and blending
to match colours and shades.
Each quilt preserving a piece of the quilter’s
heart. | |
Our Z is found in
the vegetable garden
In the succulent Zuckerstankel patch.
The Gertner calls upon all the Dienen and Weiber
To help pluck peas till they have a huge batch. | |
Both Valerie and I are extremely excited about this project and are looking forward to seeing our work in a published book. Our publisher's goal is to have the book printed and out by the time September rolls around. Here's hoping!