Lena Wurtz's Baby Octopus
Late last fall, a friend posted a cute crocheted octopus with spirally tentacles on her Facebook page. As soon as I saw it, I fell in love with it and also wanted to crochet one.
When COVID-19 started creeping around Canada in early spring and I was searching for a project to keep myself busy, productive and creative, I remembered the baby octopus project. After doing a bit of research and web-browsing, I was able to find a pattern!
I crocheted one for my niece, Abigail. As I was working on it I was reminded of a project from many years ago. My aunt Susie who is an avid handy-craft person, used to crochet bookworm bookmarks that were similar to this octopus' tentacles! When I called her to ask for the pattern, she unfortunately didn't know what I was talking about! However, that phone call set us off on another creative journey.
Bookworms, Butterflies, Hearts and Flowers
A Bookmark for every Songbook!
I cruised the web searching for more crochet bookmark ideas and soon found more than I knew what to do with! I began with flowers, then moved on to hearts. My all time favourite turned out to be multi-coloured butterflies. After a conference call with Aunt Susie, she climbed aboard the floral bandwagon and soon churned out dozens of them!
As I was working on my butterflies, I started planning what I would do with them all: back-to-school trinkets for my students, small gifts to include in a greeting card...
The Brennan School staff and students are already marking pages with some of these projects, a few have found their way into the hands of family members and friends. Now for that book launch!
Ah, COVID-19, you sure can get us to be busy, productive and creative!