Sunday 6 November 2022

No Cats


Aunt Susie does not like cats!

“The neighbours got rid of their cats’ house,” Aunt Susie announces, “Now their cats have moved to our front porch! What are we to do?  They’ll be underfoot whenever we cross the porch.” 


Die Sanna Basl will kanna Katzlen!

“These cats look hungry,” she murmurs, watching from her living room window.

“There’s left-over chicken in the fridge,” Linda says. “Shall I set it out for them?”

“Yes, but let’s warm it up first, they can’t consume cold cuisine.”

Aunt Susie does not care about cats.

“I wonder where the cats spent the night,” Aunt Susie worries. “They weren’t on the porch this morning.”

Aunt Susie is not concerned about kittens.

“Those poor things seem hungry again,” laments Sanna Basl, “and we’ve just enjoyed a delicious dinner.” 

“Here’s a bit of roast duck,” Elma exclaims, “I’ll take it out for them,”

“No, let it cool off a bit,” Aunt Susie cautions. “They might burn their tender

Die Sanna Basl gleicht kanna Kotzen!

“It’s getting chilly during the night,” Sanna Basl states, “We’ll put out a cushion and a cardboard box.”

Aunt Susie is not fond of felines.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Who does not like cats?